Tuesday, July 30, 2013


It's that thing we're all supposed to be doing right?  Clearly, this one is not cut out for it.

I've been thinking about all the cacophony of craziness in my head (not to mention my life) lately and how I really need to start streamlining some things.  Whether it's overbooking myself, or having too many clothes to fit in my closet, looking for a new job, moving to a new apartment, and being newlywed; everything in my life seems to be chaos right now.  And chaos is not one of those things I have great coping mechanisms for.  Mostly it involves a lot of me not being pleasant to be around in the wild hope that the world will sort itself out.

This week my solution to restore ma'at to my universe was to get a new email address.  This was clearly the most logical solution to all my problems.

Unfortunately the universe didn't get that memo.  Probably because it has been using my old email address to contact me for the last eleven years.  After all, EVERYTHING in the universe has been using my old email address to contact me.  For eleven years.  That's.  Eleven.

The thing about Google that is both awesome and frustrating at the same time is how deceptively simple everything is.

Insanely easy to sign up for a new email address.  Easy to import my contacts.  Beat-my-head-against-a-wall difficult to make everyone and everything show up the way that I want them too.  And, with some perverse sort of logic that I suppose I should have been expecting, the more often I contact them, the more convoluted their contact information was when I imported it.  Some of you appear more than four times in my list now.  So that's cool.

So while I attempt to wrangle all the horses into the same corral, do me a favor and only use my new email address :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

We're not dead

just only married.

We thought we were even being completely normal about the whole thing.  But turns out that it's completely impossible to be normal about being newlyweds.

But that's fine.

We'll suffer the consequences.

And make everyone else suffer too when we come to your parties :)